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Explore Your Courageosity with Indieglow ....


Courageosity [kur-ij-os-i-tee]

the curiosity and the courage to live your wild, precious life

At Indieglow, we believe in living by heart. We know the call of your heart leads to your truth and highest good. By doing what you love, you bring your light to life, and illuminate the world. 

We believe you have unique gifts and the power to make a difference in your way. Indieglow was created to support you. Our hearts beat for the magic makers, the light givers, and the world changers. ​They help you see your truth, they challenge you, they encourage and inspire you. This is our tribe. This is Indieglow. 


We guide individuals, families, teams and leaders through Equus Coaching and Nature Based Learning to courageously live and do cool things that matter. :)



This is YOUR call to action.

Live with Courageosity. Love this life.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.”            
                                                                                               Howard Thurman

We declare ourselves sponsors of modern day adventurers and change agents. 
If you're ready for some brave hearted living then we're ready for you!
Coaching. Horses. Nature. Change. Curious?
Curiosity is the compass that leads us to our passions...

Are you ready to explore your Courageosity? 

If you're ready to rediscover, reconnect and recommit to your life, check out our playdates. 

Need a different playdate? No problem. Contact us to arrange a private experience for you and your peeps. 

Ready. Set. Play!


Insightful reads to spark your curiosity and other things we find cool. :) 

"I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious."

Albert Einstein

Explore on. 

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